Sunday, March 23, 2008


Three Girls admireing what they got from the Easter bunny

Lillian and her new book

Danni and all of her goodies

The Easter Bunny came and brought lots of goodies. As you can tell the baskets were definitely full this year. Lillian got a few books, the girls got a few Hannah Montana items. Of course the Easter Bunny brought that famous chocolate bunnies. Enjoy the Easter Fun

Dying Good Time

Dying Easter Eggs this year with Lilly was an experience. She enjoyed in very much. She liked making a mess. As you can see in the picture she is trying to be very gentle with her egg, but by the time she got done with her eggs let's just say we had to put them in the trash can. The eggs were so smashed up that they were unsavable. She had alot of fun though. The big girls always enjoy this time, because of the east egg dying. In their own little way they enjoy messing in the dye as well. Enjoy

Blow Blow Away!!!

Last week it was extremely nice out. Lillian decided she wanted to get the bubbles out and starting blowing them. She loves to play with the bubbles. I think she enjoys messing in the soapy mixture than to actually blow them. She is silly Enjoy the pictures

Hooray For Daddy!!!!!

The girls waiting for their Daddy to finish. "The Cheerleaders"

The Crowd Right Before the Race

John and Lilly right after the race

It was a very cold morning. We all had to get up super early to meet Aunt Anna and the other running Buddies. As you can see John was number 975 and ready to go. He ran the Ran in 48mins and 20seconds. He was extremely satisfied with his time. John was excited since this was his first official race with recorded times. All in all the race was a success. We didn't stay for the parade because all the rain and it was extremely too cold for the children and me. Way To GO Daddy!!!!!